I met Gabbi in December 2017 just after I had returned from eating and drinking my way around Europe.  This was 6 months before my wedding.  I was the heaviest I had ever been, and I had bought a wedding dress that was two sizes smaller than I was at that time.  I needed help!

I started with her amazing 6 week bikini body challenge in January 2018.  During that time I lost over 5 kgs, 4cm off my chest, 8cm of my waist and 12cm off my hips.  Not only did she help with the training but also my eating.  Because I was feeling so amazing at the end of the 6 weeks I continued training with her for the next 2.5 months.  Within that time I lost another 3.5kgs and many more cms.  So much so that my dress fitting in April, the dress had to be taken in! 

During that initial 3.5 months I grew stronger, slimmer, fitter.  But I also grew in confidence, not only in my appearance, but my physical ability, internal motivation and more confident in every aspect of life.  Which is why after my wedding I continued to train with Gabbi for the rest of 2018.  By December 2018 I actually had a 6 pack.  I couldn’t believe it, first time in my entire life (and I was a competitive swimmer back in the day) I actually could see definition across my stomach. 

In 2019 I started a different journey of IVF, which saw additional stresses that I not only endured mentally but physically and while training with Gabbi kept me grounded with the ability to keep going through this rollercoaster, my fitness wasn’t my primary focus and I was happy where I was. Then COVID hit, during that time I did infact become pregnant.  However I was a high risk pregnancy so was unable to do anything but walk for 30 minutes a day.  Sadly, lost my fitness during that time, but the outcome was absolutely worth it. 

I am now back with Gabbi and already enjoying my new journey with Gabbi and am excited for the results I am hoping to achieve this year.  To lose my excess weight in a healthy way while becoming stronger and toned and more myself in general. 

Already within the last month I have reduced my resting heart rate, can run up a hill and carry my child further than before. I also feel calmer and able to deal with life better, therefore making me a better Mum, and let’s be honest that’s what its all about right?

Gabbi not only provides physical guides but emotional guidance throughout the journey that helps build self-confidence.  I consider Gabbi more than a trainer, but a rock and a friend.

Bring on 2024.


Before Gabbi, I used to really loathe the gym. I could never motivate myself or commit to ongoing sessions. Over the last 3 years, Gabbi has helped me develop a healthier relationship with exercise and taught me to be kinder to myself. She’s a fantastic trainer, with so much knowledge and experience, it really shows with the diversity during our sessions!


If you are a mumma like myself and struggled to get back in shape, Gab is THAT person! She has seriously changed my whole perspective on training, food and my approach to being healthy and fit. I LOVE HER!


Having recently started my personal training with Gabbi, I couldn't be more thrilled with the progress I have made in such a short time.  After my initial consult, I had a written program with macros etc for 8 weeks.  It has been a game changer!!  Having a ongoing back/shoulder injury for many years, I am feeling as though this has been rectified.  Gabbi's enthusiam, knowledge and excitement about fitness and training has made being at the gym a pleasure.  Not only does Gabbi help me feel motivated, she has also empowered me to be able to train on my own.   I am forever grateful as she has ignited my passion for exercise, health and fitness.  A total professional with a beautiful nature who has a genuine interest in helping people reach their potential, amazing!!

Nannan and David

My husband and I have been training regularly with Gabbi over the last 4 years. She is very inspirational. Her coaching has evolved along with our needs and progress. She empowers us to discover our own strengths. She motivates and challenges us to be disciplined with our exercise routine. She provides us with fitness skills and tools that we can use daily, even while travelling overseas. We believe in her fitness philosophy: sustainable and long term fitness, nutrition and a healthy and positive lifestyle. Before he started training with Gabbi, my husband regularly injured his back. Through targeted strengthening exercises, this problem has been completely eliminated. I have achieved so many personal goals with Gabbi’s coaching and help. From running 1km once in a blue moon, I have now completed three running events, from my first ever 10km run in 2018, to a half-marathon in 2019. There are milestones in my life. I feel more energetic and fitter than ever.